Wutaishan Tour

Private Wutaishan Tour can start from Pingyao or Taiyuan.

If you have one day free at Pingyao or Taiyuan, you can think about the Wutaishan Tour. Wutaishan is the big holy buddha mountain. Very cool in summer. There were many chinese emperors visited before. And Qing dynasty emperor supported a lot to the religion. This is why there are many temples at this mountain.

If you stay two nights at Wutaishan, you will have time to visit all of five terraces by the mountain Van. This will be the impressive Wutaishan Tour. Because of the view from each terrace is excellent and unforgetable.

-Wutaishan Tour Itinerary:

Guide and driver will meet you at Taiyuan hotel or Pingyao hotel at 07:30am.

From Pingyao to Waishan, need about 3.5 hours driving, from Taiyuan, need about 2.5 hours driving.

Drive to Wutaishan directly. Upon arrive in Wutaishan, guide will help you get the tickets. Then go to visit the temples.

Driver will drop off us at the top of the mountain in Taihuai Town, so we can visit the main temples from top to down. We can save time and energy by this way.

-Pusading Temple

The Lama Temple with yellow roof top, get in from back door, and walk out from front gate, you will see the view of the whole town and the monument buidling (Big White Pagoda). After taking the pictures, just walk down to the Xiangtonsi Temple.

-Xiangtonsi Temple

There is the buidling made from the copper, we just call it Goldern building. Go to find it. And you will find the five gold color pagoda which represent the five terraces.

-Tayuansi Temple (Big White Pagoda)

One of the emperor from Ming dynasty built this temple for his mother, hope his mother is healty and has a long life. Walk along the Big White Pagoda and turn the sutra wheel, and speak sth like A Mi Tuo Fo. 

-Wanfoge temple (Wu Ye Miao)

Chinese would like to call this temple as Wuye Miao. This is the most famous temple at Wutaishan, people come to pray for everything. It is very helpful. I believe too. Sometimes you can enjoy the Shanxi opera show, this is traditional way to make praying or say thanks to Wuye. 

This is why the first day and fifteenth day of lunar calendar always busy, hard to book the hotel and traffic jam happend around Wuye Temple.

-Shuxiang Temple

Wutaishan is famous for Manjusery (Wenshu Pusa), can give the intelligent to everyone. and there is the biggest statue of Wenshu Pusa.

Don’t miss the above the temples when you take Wutaishan Tour from Pingyao or Taiyuan.

If possible, at least stay one night, there are serval temples to see and go to one of the five terraces if the weather is ok.

Have a vegetable lunch at Yi Zhan Ming Deng Restaurant.

Tour end, drive back to Taiyuan or Pingyao Hotel or Hunyuan on the way to Datong.

temple on the wutaishan
stone archway at Wutaishan

Wutaishan Tour to Foguang Temple and Nanchan Temple

There two temples are not located in Taihuai Town.

They are Foguang Temple (Fo Guang Si ) and Nan Chang Temple ( Nan Chang Si).

These temples are from Tang Dyansty, we can see the Tang dynasty architecture and Buddha Statues. 

-Foguang Temple (Fo Guang Si)

Dating from 857 of the Tang Dynasty, the Great East Hall (Dong Da Dian ) is the third oldest wooden building in China. Founded by Liangsicheng and linhuiying and their group around 1937.

The East big hall is located on the big stone platform, climb up the steep stairs to the building, about 80 degree. The building opened as 7 rooms, and big enough for the Buddha sculptures from Tang Dynasty, you will see all of them has double chin.

There is another hall named Wenshu Dian from later time. Wenshu Pusa ride on the big lion, and some arhats  figures sit by the wall, and the some fresco on the wall, it is quite big hall.

Outside of Foguang Temple, local people selling something  they made by themself. Round Mattress for meditation, and other staff.

Better to call the Foguang Temple office before you go, just make sure you can get in to visit.

You can put Foguang Temple to your Wutaishan Tour itinerary, It is not far from Nanchan Temple to Foguang Temple.

If you go to Wutaishan from Taiyuan, stop at Nanchan Temple first, then go to Foguang Temple second, then go to Wutaishan.

-Nanchan Temple (Nan Chan Si )

Nanchan Temple (Nan Chan Si ) is a Buddhist temple located near the town of Doucun on Wutaishan, Shanxi Province, China. It is 140km from Taiyuan City.  Nanchan Temple was built in AD782 of Tang dynasty, and its Great Buddha Hall is currently China’s oldest preserved timber frame building. Actually Nanchan Temple is on the top of the little hill. There is the village nearby, but not so many people stay. Some staffs look after this temple.

Better to call the office before you go, and the hall is usually locked, after you bought the ticket, the staff will open the hall door for you.

No photo taking inside. Clay figures stayed on the platform, all of them from Tang Dynasty.

If you plan to visit Wutaishan by private Taiyuan or Datong car with driver and guide, add this temple to your itinerary if your time is ok.