Which is the best city gate to see at Pingyao?

Pingyao City Gate

Pingyao is the UNESCO sight, and just located between Beijing and Xi’an, it located in the south of Datong, and you can arrive in Pingyao by fast train very easy.

The city wall and highlights attract many toursits from all of the world. So do you know which the best view of the city from the Pingyao City Gate?

There are 2 gates open for the toursits to climb up to see, One is the South gate, and one is the Lower West Gate. There are 6 gates totally, the other four gates are closed due to the construction and other reason.

So you can climb up to the Pingyao Wall from lower west gate, and south gate. The ticket is for all the sights inside the wall, and only can use once per sight. so you will have a questions which gate is best one to see.

Let me tell you the answer.

-The lower west gate face to the west street, and the west street is under construction, and there are no nice view from this gate and you could not walk long on this part.

-The south gate face to the south street, and there is the city center, also named city tower in this street. It is best view.

So you know now which Pingyao City Gate you should climb up now.

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